회사 프로필

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(SPAM 없음 - 우리는 당신의 이메일 주소를 판매하지 않거나 공유하지 않을 것입니다.)

Dongguan Honger Packaging Products Co.,Ltd

회사 세부 사항:

종업 원수 실 : >200
연간 매출 : >100Million
설립 년도 : 1990
PC를 내보내기 : 80% - 90%

Hong Er Plastic Manufacture Limited previous name is Sam Muk Hing Industries Limited, moved to Shichong industrial zone, ShiPai town of Dongguan city in Sep of 2013, covers 10,000 square meters areas,is a professional large-scale plastic packaging manufacturer combining self-research & design , producing, and sales for disposable food packaging boxes, fast food trays, disposable drinking cups, jelly cups, ice cream cups(boxes), egg trays, fruit trays, and moon-cake boxes , and so on  which all related to touch food packaging products;  we also produce vacuum formed plastic blisters, folded boxes and cylinders, plant-hair blisters, etc.