회사 프로필

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Guangzhou Yicheng Fountains & Pools Equipment Co., Ltd.

회사 세부 사항:

종업 원수 실 : 100~150
연간 매출 : 3000000-5000000
설립 년도 : 1994
PC를 내보내기 : 70% - 80%

Guangzhou Yicheng Fountains & Pools Equipment Co., Ltd.

Factory Products / OEM Service Supported :


1. Our main fountain types include: Fountain nozzles, fountain lights, submersible pumps, fountain accessories;
Musical Dancing Fountain, Program Control Fountain, Floor Fountain, Floating Fountain, Super-high Spray Fountain, Water Screen Fountain, Water Curtain Fountain, etc. Main of our services include: Fountain design, manufacturing, on-site installation guidance, technical training and after-sale maintenance.



2. Swimming Pool Equipment: Sand filters, pool pumps, underwater lights, ladders, salt water chlorinators, pool cleaners, pool cleaning equipments, etc.


3. Artificial Fog Systems: Fog nozzles, fogging machines, connectors, filters, Fogging system design;

4. Fish Pond Equipments: Pond pumps, pond filtration system, pond lights, pond UV lights, etc.


5. Sauna & Steam products: Sauna heaters, steam generators, sauna accessories, etc.


Taking "Offer Satisfying Solution to Clients" as company principle, we warmly welcome partners from home and abroad to establish long-term business relations with us.