회사 프로필

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Suzhou StepChina Machinery Co.,Ltd

회사 세부 사항:

브랜드 : StepChina
연간 매출 : 1000,000-4000,000
설립 년도 : 2006
PC를 내보내기 : 70% - 80%


Founded in 2006, Suzhou StepChina Machinery Co.,Ltd, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of beverage filling line, filling machine in China, with the registered capital of 5 million RMB. We are committed to improving the standard of our products to fulfill the growing various solution for packaging and drink industry over the past few years.

Here in Stepchina, we mainly offer bottled beverage production lines and other related machines as follows:

1. The water filling line which can harvest mineral or pure water both in bottled or barrel packed. There are CGF bottled water filling production line for 200ml-2500ml and TXG barrel water filling line for 3~5 gallon.Those lines are suitable for producing potable drinking water for you.

2. The juice production line which can harvest potable drinking beverage from apple, sour cherry, pomegranate and orange grape, pineapple, tomato, mango and blends etc. This line is suitable for PET bottled juice within the volume from 200ml to 2500ml.

3. The carbonated drink production line is used to produce carbonated drink or spark drink like Coca Cola, Sprite, Pepsi Cola and other soft drink with the capacity from 200ml to 2500ml and with production capacity varies from 6000-30000B/H.