회사 프로필

저에게 최신 제품 경고를 보내십시오
(SPAM 없음 - 우리는 당신의 이메일 주소를 판매하지 않거나 공유하지 않을 것입니다.)

Yixing Xinhongjian Sporing Goods Co.,Ltd.

회사 세부 사항:

브랜드 : LANDLE
종업 원수 실 : 150~180
연간 매출 : 10000000-15000000
설립 년도 : 2004
PC를 내보내기 : 80% - 90%


Welcome to landle.com

We are manufacturer and exporter of sporting goods and toys.  We provide a wide range of sporting goods. 


We produce all kinds of rubber made, official leather make, soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, American football, PVC plastic ball, wooden beach rackets and supply many kinds of badminton, tennis, table tennis, pump, basket board, fitness, skate, dartboard and balloon for our clients. We have top quality goods for tournament, low price for promotion.

If you are interested in our goods, please visit our Products. We guarantee a 30~40days delivery lead time and welcome OEM orders. E-mail or fax us immediately for more information.


