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Xiamen Nifer Electronics Co.,Ltd

회사 세부 사항:

브랜드 : Nifer
종업 원수 실 : 100~150
연간 매출 : 3million-5million
설립 년도 : 2010
PC를 내보내기 : 90% - 100%

Nifer electronics Co., Ltd. is A Professional Manufacturer of Silicone Rubber Products. Meanwhile, Our Company Specializes in Mold Design and Making according to Customers' Special Requirements, Drawings or Samples. With A Wide Range, Good Quality, Reasonable Prices and Stylish Designs, Our Products are Extensively Used in any flied, Gift and Other Industries.


We focus on our core field of business, managing factories efficiently and injecting new technologies and innovations to develop new products, seize opportunities to expand market share and keep ourselves and customers remain in the stream. We sincerely hope you can benefit from our whole-hearted contribution


Xiamen Nifer is committed to becoming the most respected and sought after silicone gadgets company in China.