회사 프로필

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Wuxi Lucky Pet Products Co.,Ltd

회사 세부 사항:

종업 원수 실 : 300~400
연간 매출 : 1000000-3000000
설립 년도 : 2005
PC를 내보내기 : 80% - 90%

Wuxi Lucky Pet Products Co.,Ltd  is a professional pet product manufactor and exporter,which has strong R&D capabilities as well as provide one-stop service from design,make to export.Our products export to all over the world, such as Latin America, Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries.

2005, we invested millions to build finished products warehouse, which has nearly 1000 types pet products, further more, new type is updating every month. Product categories include: pet clothes, pet toys, pet traction, pet beauty products, and other kinds of pet products.

Love pet, love people, love life!