회사 프로필

저에게 최신 제품 경고를 보내십시오
(SPAM 없음 - 우리는 당신의 이메일 주소를 판매하지 않거나 공유하지 않을 것입니다.)

Hontai Machinery and equipment (HK) Co. ltd

회사 세부 사항:

연간 매출 : 3 Million-4 Million
설립 년도 : 2000
PC를 내보내기 : 70% - 80%

Our company Hontai Machinery and equipment (HK) Co. ltd focus is on steel mills, power plants, cement plant , chemicals, paper, CNC numerical control machine tool industry system spare parts! Main products: DCS system cards, spares of turbine ,generator ,boiler ,blower , coal mill , motor , transformer , pump, valve , air compressor , meters and Instruments , cable and wire , actuator , circuit Breaker , gear reducer, coal feeder and flame , servo controllers, etc.

we are the major partner with leading companies in China including SEC, Dongfang and HEC. We have long-term business relationships with world majors like Samra , Vedanta, and PT PJB and so on .

We are upholding to creating as a leading player in the worldwide energy and machinery industry! You are welcome to contact us for more information!

Stand in customers’ situation to grasp the quality, coupled with our genuine service, we attain deep trust and recognition from our clients.

Hontai business scope include:

Export products :





coal mill

Flame ignition & spares 

- Actuator 

- Motor 

- Reducer 

- Valve 

- ESP 

- Coal feeder 

- Electric panel 

- Instrument & indicator 

- Other industry spares for replace : relay , fuse , transformer , solenoid value , 

limited switch , transducer , sensor , thyristor and so on .




Import products :

- Coconut fiber

- Imported brand IC 

- EPRO sensor